Add a stop

December 27, 2016

There are several ways you can add new stops: click on the map, enter an address or a name, enter geographical coordinates.

Avoid running out of gas

March 21, 2019

Sometimes it's just inconvenience, other times it may be scary. If your trip takes you to desolate, remote areas of the country where you don't see gas stations for miles, being prepared can make a difference between vacation and ordeal. Furkot can help you avoid running out of gas. Tell us how far you can go on a full tank and Furkot will automatically schedule refueling stops. It will even suggest a specific filling station and warn you if the station cannot be found when it's time to refuel. You can then find a station yourself and manually add it to the trip.

Book a trip

January 31, 2018

Have you been dreading booking all hotels for your trip: multiple cities, multiple booking sites and many dates and details to mistype? Let Furkot help with that. We will take you through the whole process page by page and hotel by hotel. All you need to do is to keep pressing Next until you are Done. You are free to use your favorite booking service site, or the one with the lowest rate for each reservation.

Change stop location

July 1, 2019

Every stop in your trip itinerary is displayed on the map. In order to do that Furkot needs to know stop's location - its geographical coordinates - which can be set in a number of ways. All stops have their locations set when added to the trip. Additionally, stops that do not represent a fixed point of interest or an establishment can have their locations changed later on.

Consider seasonal closures

May 23, 2023

Many scenic roads in mountainous areas are temporarily impassable. Some may be scheduled to close for the season. Others may experience intermittent closures due to inclement weather. It is next to impossible to predict the state of a road in the future. It is hard to anticipate even scheduled closures since the relevant information is scattered all over the Internet and, for some roads, not even available online.

Decorate tripshots and albums

April 14, 2019

When you publish a trip snapshot (tripshot) to share with friends and - optionally - with Furkot community, Furkot shows you how it will appear when other people view it. You can customize tripshot appearance by adding a photo and a link to more information about the trip.

Delete an account

June 18, 2019

Furkot stores your account data only in connection with your trips. If you have no trips, your account is automatically removed.

Drag and drop stops to reorder

April 2, 2013

It's no drag to reorder your trip. Or may be it is? Furkot attempts to route your trip in the most efficient way. But sometimes you don't want efficient. Or maybe you decided to start that Spain trip in Malaga and not in Madrid. You could always move your stops up and down. Now there is an easier way: drag-and-drop stops to change your plan.


March 30, 2024

You can export your trip at any time from the Trip drawer. Click the export button and Furkot will create a copy of your trip plan in a selected file format and download it to your computer.

Export, import, synchronize

July 12, 2019

As much as we like you, the user, to do all your trip planning on Furkot, we don't want to lock you in. After you invest your time into putting a trip plan together, you have every right to take it wherever you like. Conversely, if you used another application or website, you should be able to bring your plan into Furkot and not start from scratch. And if you have a planning tool that complements Furkot, you should be able to use it seamlessly in tandem. To help you exchange your trip plans with other applications, websites and devices Furkot supports exporting, importing and synchronizing trip plans in variety of formats.


June 30, 2019

If you have a file representing a single trip (i.e. a collection of places meant to be traveled through in order), you can import it as a new trip. Not all files represent a single trip: some contain additional alternative routes, others consist of routes and tracks representing the same pathways with different degree of granularity. You may also have files with large collection of places that you want to pick and choose from. Do not create trips from such files. Instead, have Furkot import places, routes and tracks. You will be able to select the ones you want and add them to your trip.

Improve map and places

June 18, 2019

Furkot relies on a wide range of websites to show you attractions and points of interest. Occasionally, some information that Furkot obtains might be inaccurate or out of date. Follow the guidelines below to correct and improve it.

Jump start your trip

March 11, 2015

Checkout a way to jump start your road trip planning. Instead of clicking on the map you can enter start and end points (or just the start point if you are planning a round trip). Furkot will even geolocate you, which saves some typing if you happen to start your trip from home. Prefer to go straight to the map? Just press Done at any point and Furkot will take you there.

Map a trip to China

July 22, 2018

We do not presume to offer any advice on actually traveling to China. We can however assist with some of the preparation, specifically we can help you plot your trip itinerary on the map. It's worth noticing that as civilized and connected as it is nowadays, China remains a totalitarian regime. The laws are restrictive and the government actions are pernicious. Even a simple act of mapping one's trip is political and it does not escape bureaucratic regulations that inconvenience people in the name of fighting phantom enemies.

Navigate your trip

February 1, 2019

All time and effort that you invested in planning a trip will pay off when you hit the road. Furkot does not replace a navigation app but it does offer several ways of taking your trip plan with you. You can use Furkot on your phone or tablet, to launch a navigation app. And, if you prefer to navigate with an aid of a GPS device, Furkot provides several options of exporting your trip in a GPS friendly format. Finally, having a paper map with you is not the worst idea. To complement it you can use Furkot to print your trip and include turn-by-turn directions.

Organize trips

April 14, 2019

If you are one of the lucky few to take more than one or two trips a year, if you plan travel for others, if you use Furkot for all your day rides and weekend drives, you'll find yourself with the multitude of trip plans and a need to organize them.

Plan trip variants

February 14, 2016

It is possible to plan several variants of your trip. You can: skip a stop and see how your trip timing changes; transfer stops between trips; duplicate the entire trip and make independent changes in each copy; skip a route and see how your trip itinerary changes; put a route on the back burner and plan a different one.

Plot off road tracks

November 25, 2015

Select places you want to visit and Furkot will do the heavy lifting of calculating the best route according to your preferences. You can even change the mode of travel for a part of your trip to include a walk around the city landmarks or a bike ride on a former railroad bed. Wherever there is a mapped feature - a road, a bike track, or a hiking trail - Furkot will use it according to your mode of travel. In real life though you occasionally need to veer off track and Furkot doesn't constrain you to mapped features. Whether you want to go jeeping or hike an unmaintained trail, you can still plan those activities with Furkot.

Print the trip

June 28, 2019

Furkot supports printing your trip. But we recognize limitations of a printout and recommend to use it as a backup only. There are better options to navigate your trip plan or to share it with other people.

Promote your website / blog

March 10, 2014

In addition to planning your trip, Furkot can also help to promote your travel-related website or blog. Examples of content suitable to promote on Furkot include: a post that describes tourist attractions, an article suggesting a trip itinerary, a website endorsing a restaurant, a hotel, a roadside attraction or a point of interest, a website presenting thematic collection of places (historic churches, scuba diving spots, hiking trails, etc.), a forum devoted to discussing travel-related topics, a guidebook, both traditional and electronic.

Reverse itinerary

March 11, 2015

West to East or East to West? Clockwise or counterclockwise? The reverse button is here to help you decide.

Ride a ferry

April 24, 2022

Did you know that you can ride a ferry from Denmark to Iceland by way of Faroe Islands? Or sail along Alaska Marine Highway between Bellingham, WA to Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Chain? Furkot can work those ferry connections and many more into your trip with no effort on your part.

Search for lodging accommodations

June 18, 2018

Somewhere between infinitude and a great number: that's how many accommodations you can find with lodging search in the Sleep drawer. Furkot offers direct access to hotels, motels, hostels, campgrounds, and, if you are tired of anonymous hotels but not quite ready for camping, private rooms and apartments.

Share your trip

March 11, 2020

Furkot lets you share your travel plans with others. You can ask your friends or even perfect strangers to suggest places you should visit on your trip. Or you can invite your travel companions to plan a trip with you. If you want you can also publish a snapshot of your trip (tripshot) for others to see. All those options are available by clicking on the share button at the top of the Trip drawer.

Stay with friends and family

March 8, 2016

Staying with friends and family when travelling may be practical, cost effective and fun. Or it may not be - we are not going to weigh in on that particular debate. But while we don't offer advice on how to persuade your friends and family to have you over, we would like to show you how to setup your trip for that lodging preference.


November 10, 2015

In addition to importing and exporting your trip data you can synchronize a trip that you plan at Furkot with other application. Unlike import and export, synchronization is performed automatically once you connected the other application to your Furkot account. Every time a trip is opened, Furkot will check the changes and reconcile differences between your trip plan on Furkot and your trip data kept with the other application. You can also perform the check for changes and reconciliation anytime you want: press the sync button in the Trip drawer.

Translate Furkot

January 14, 2019

Furkot would like to communicate with its users in their native tongues. Translating to different languages is a major undertaking and we can't do it on our own. If you want to help translating Furkot to your language, the good place to start is Furkot translation server: you can check the status of the translation, make suggestions, review and edit already translated texts. Furkot translation server is based on Weblate, a free web-based translation management system; for the introduction check the translators guide.

Travel with pets

April 2, 2015

Traveling with pets requires a fair amount of planning. Hotel policies vary wildly and it may be difficult to find suitable accommodations. Furkot can make this process much easier. Start by modifying your lodging preferences to indicate you intend to take a trip with pets. You can do that when creating a trip or by changing settings in the Trip drawer after the trip has been created.