Account settings

February 5, 2025

While you don't have to sign up to use Furkot, setting up an account will give you access to your trips from other browsers, computers, phones and tablets. You will also be able to share your trip with others.

Attractions and points of interest

March 11, 2024

Internet gives everyone access to wealth of information about every attraction and point of interest imaginable. There are numerous websites that specialize in collecting, curating and rating them. Furkot indexes various Internet resources to show you what attractions are available around your route. When planing your trip you can use the Sleep , Eat and Find drawers to add points of interest to your itinerary. Below you will find a list of categories and subcategories that Furkot uses to organize places and attractions in the Find drawer. The content comes from the websites that Furkot partners with. If you know of any that are not yet on our list, make sure to let us know.

Automatically scheduled overnight stops

June 7, 2019

Furkot automatically adds lodging stops based on the Start a Day, End a Day, Travel Time, and Daily Mileage settings. If it looks like you were to arrive at the next stop later than the End a Day time, or exceed daily travel time, or mileage limits, Furkot will try to find a place for the night somewhere between the stops. When the time you plan to spend visiting an attraction (configured as stop Duration) cannot be accommodated on the day of arrival, Furkot will schedule an overnight stop as close to the attraction as possible. Furkot attempts to schedule overnight lodging stops to get you to your destination by the Finish Trip date. Similarly whenever you lock your arrival date or provide a booking confirmation Furkot will do its best to schedule additional lodging stops to accommodate your itinerary constraints.

Colors and warnings

March 16, 2023

Planning a trip is a balancing act: lodgings need to be arranged, schedules kept, attractions visited, flights boarded, crowds avoided. To give you an instant feedback on how all the pieces fit, Furkot uses colors: blue means everything is OK, red represents a potential problem and yellow suggests that there is still some work to be done.

Day settings

March 28, 2016

Furkot divides trip itineraries into a series of consecutive days. Every day starts at the Start a Day time and ends at the End a Day time. In most cases Furkot expects you to arrive to an overnight stop before the day end. If your itinerary does not have a suitable overnight stop at the end of the day, Furkot will schedule one automatically. If you want, you can configure Furkot to let you drive non-stop, in which case your days will start at Start a Day time but no overnight stops will be scheduled automatically.

Distance and travel time

March 28, 2016

Furkot shows distance and travel time for the entire trip, between stops and from the last night lodging. Distance and travel time for the entire trip are displayed in the Trip drawer together with average distance and time driven per day. Distance and travel time between stops are displayed in the Plan drawer.

Dragging routes

June 4, 2017

Drag your routes, not your feet! Think you can do better than Furkot at choosing your route? Or may be you need to visit a place that seems out of way. Grab the blue route on the map and drop it in another place. The route is repainted while you're dragging it. Furkot will add a stop in the place where you dropped the route.

EV charging stations

April 29, 2020

Greener road trips are here. You can find and add EV charging stations when planning your trip. Set the preferred fuel type to charging stations for electric cars and Furkot will switch from gas to electric in all its refueling features. In addition to automatic scheduling of refueling stops, check the charging station category in the Eat drawer.

LGBT welcoming hotels

May 1, 2019

Down with the rainbow? So is Furkot: hundreds of LGBT welcoming hotels worldwide can be added to your road trip itinerary and reserved with, Expedia or Hotels range from city center hotels to resorts as well as a collection of small luxury and boutique properties.

Lodging prices

January 31, 2018

Furkot helps you decide which lodging accommodation offers the best combination of cost, amenities, and convenient location. Lodging information in the Sleep drawer includes exact prices for a given date or - if that's not available - average price charged by the booking service.

Map buttons

January 14, 2019

Furkot displays several buttons above the map: they allow you to zoom the trip map in and out, change route colors, add new stops, and import routes and stops into your trip.

Mobile and offline

January 14, 2019

Furkot works on a wide range of devices: phones, tablets, laptops and desktop computers, and - most importantly - it works offline. It means that you do not have to have a live Internet connection (neither WiFi nor cellular/mobile) to access your trip while on the road. You only need to connect to the Internet once - to open Furkot and load your trips. After that, they are accessible even in the middle of nowhere. And the middle of nowhere is a great place to take your trip to.

Multi-day stops

January 12, 2014

Some places are just too good to simply drive through. Furkot fully supports multi-day stops. If you change the duration to 2 (or more) days your itinerary shows separate stop for each night. You can schedule other stops in between, which makes Furkot show you the route from and to your lodging and daily attractions. See how it works by checking out this month long trip to Palm Springs, California.

Plan buttons

February 10, 2019

Furkot displays several buttons at the top of the Plan drawer: they allow you to add a new stop, reverse trip itinerary and affect which stops are displayed in the Plan drawer.

Ready-made trip itineraries

April 14, 2019

You can use a published trip as a template for your own adventure. Just press Plan this Trip button when looking at a trip snapshot (tripshot) to plan your own version of the trip. Check the collection of America's Scenic Byways for picturesque drives to base your trip itinerary on and seek inspiration for your trip plans on Furkot Folio, a curated collection of inspiring trips.

Route settings

March 16, 2023

Routes connect Furkot stops - they represent parts of your trip that you spend traveling: in the vehicle of your choice, on the motorcycle, on the bike, walking, or transferring between places by other means. Routes are displayed on the map as paths in several shades of blue. Furkot can calculate routes automatically or you can shape them yourself. You have a lot of options to adjust the time, speed, road selection and the shape of the route.

Stop settings

May 24, 2019

Furkot stops give you a great amount flexibility. You can add as many as you want. You can reorder them, skip them, delete them. You can change the way Furkot displays them on the map. Read on to find out how stop settings can help you to plan your trip.

Trip buttons

March 21, 2019

Furkot displays several buttons at the top of the Trip drawer: they allow you to share your trip, export or synchronize it, book hotels and print the trip itinerary.

Trip settings

March 30, 2024

When you want to travel, how long you want your days to be, what roads you want to use, what units of distance, temperature and time you use - all your preferences for the trip can be found and adjusted in the Trip drawer.

Useful applications

February 27, 2023

There are plenty of applications and websites that are useful before, during, and after the trip. Furkot's goal is to complement them rather than to replace them. To that end we provide options to import and export trip plans in a variety of formats. We pull data from multiple sources and we direct users there for more information. We offer shortcuts to launch travel-related applications. With your permission, we also provide 3rd party applications and websites access to your trip plans.


August 1, 2018

Road trip - rain or shine: we can't change the weather, but we can keep you informed. Furkot shows average day and night temperatures for the day you plan to be there to help you decide what to pack. We can take you to Weather Underground for detailed weather forecast at your planned stops.