Furkot website cannot be reached or rendered

July 6, 2022

We do our best to ensure Furkot is ready for you 24/7. We monitor our servers from several places all over the world and we try to warn Furkot users whenever we experience any issues that can affect Furkot availability. That said, if you don't see any announcement here, and if your browser complains that Furkot cannot be reached, make sure to let us know. As always, it helps if you provide us with information about your configuration: open the diagnostics page and click the link at its top to send it to us. Additionally, email us the operating system, type of device, installed browser plugins.

If your browser cannot reach Furkot, there are couple of things you can verify. First of all it's worth checking if the problem that you are seeing affects other users. Visit isup.me and Furkot status page to check if Furkot is accessible from other corners of the Internet.

For security reasons communication between our servers and your browser is always encrypted. Regardless of your browser or operating system you will always have a secure connection indicated by a variation of the green padlock next to Furkot website address. In order to properly secure the connection Furkot refuses to use obsolete encryption protocols. This may cause some antivirus programs, especially the ones performing so called encrypted connection scanning, to interfere with accessing Furkot servers. If Furkot website appears unreachable check your antivirus program settings and disable this feature or add Furkot to the list of trusted websites.

Some of Furkot data is mediated by content delivery network. The purpose of CDN is to speed up loading of Furkot pages and to protect our servers from malicious bots. Without data served by CDN Furkot pages won't rendered correctly and will only show bare-bone textual content.

To determine that your browser can receive all Furkot content, open the diagnostics page and check the line labeled CDN. Send it to us (using the link at its top) if you need help interpreting the results.